jeudi 22 avril 2010

The International Circulation of Sociological Ideas: The Case of Pierre Bourdieu, Part three

The International Circulation of Sociological Ideas: The Case of Pierre Bourdieu, edited by Marco Santoro / Part three

N. 2-3/2009
Doi: 10.2383/31374
Copyright © 2009 by Società editrice il Mulino, Bologna

Marco Santoro
Introduction to the Third Part

Ian Woodward, Michael Emmison
The Intellectual Reception of Bourdieu in Australian Social Sciences and Humanities

Alexander Bikbov
A Strange Defeat: The Reception of Pierre Bourdieu’s Works in Russia

Marco Santoro
How “Not” to Become a Dominant French Sociologist: Bourdieu in Italy, 1966-2009

Fernanda Beigel
“Sur les Tabous Intellectuels”: Bourdieu and Academic Dependence

Gisèle Sapiro, Mauricio Bustamante
Translation as a Measure of International Consecration. Mapping the World Distribution of Bourdieu’s Books in Translation

(Merci à Mauricio Bustamante pour l'info, G.Q.)

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