« Je pense que les peuples ont pris conscience du fait qu’ils avaient des intérêts communs et qu’il y avait des intérêts planétaires qui sont liés à l’existence de la terre, des intérêts que l’on pourrait appeler cosmologiques, dans la mesure où ils concernent le monde dans son ensemble ».
Pierre Bourdieu (1992)

lundi 11 novembre 2013

Measuring Social Class: Bourdieusian Approaches, University of Bath, 15 novembre 2013

Measuring Social Class: Bourdieusian Approaches

15 November 2013

Time: 12:00-17:00
Location: Chancellor's Building 3.5 , University of Bath
Speaker:  MikeSavage (London School of Economics) & WillAtkinson (University of Bristol)
BSA Bourdieu Study Group Event in Conjunction with the Centre for the  Analysis of Social Policy (CASP) University of Bath

About the seminar

Debates around ways of measuring social class have recently gained momentum through the work of Savage et al, popularized by the Great British Class Survey, a major study of social class patterns in contemporary Britain. This work draws on the many criticisms that have persisted over the last decade or more about the inadequacy of models of class analysis that rely fundamentally on an economic measurement of class position. These criticisms flag up the complexities of social class measurement and suggest that other factors such as social and cultural capital are important in trying to locate someone’s class position. These multiple factors of analysis have become increasingly important as patterns of work and consumption have changed with the loss of industry within the UK and other capitalist societies. This workshop aims to generate discussion about the best ways to try to define and measure social class in contemporary Britain. It will do so by drawing on Bourdieusian theory and engaging with papers by Professor Mike Savage and Dr. Will Atkinson, who each offer their own perspective on utilizing a multiple capitals approach to ascertaining class positioning. It will interrogate the problems and benefits of using these approaches and consider the best ways in which Bourdieusian theory can forward class analysis. The workshop is limited to 50 people and will involve keynote presentations as well as discussion groups.
The workshop will be followed by a wine reception open to all attendees.

Attend this event

This event costs £30 for BSA members and £40 for non-members and includes refreshments
and lunch.
Register Here. Early booking is recommended as we anticipate this to be a popular event.

For further information please contact: events@britsoc.org.uk or Tel: (0191) 383 0839
For academic queries please contact: Dr. Nicola Ingram at n.ingram@Bath.ac.uk

(source: BSA Bourdieu Study Group)

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