« Je pense que les peuples ont pris conscience du fait qu’ils avaient des intérêts communs et qu’il y avait des intérêts planétaires qui sont liés à l’existence de la terre, des intérêts que l’on pourrait appeler cosmologiques, dans la mesure où ils concernent le monde dans son ensemble ».
Pierre Bourdieu (1992)

samedi 14 septembre 2013

Freedom and the Construction of Europe, 2 Vol, Edited by Quentin Skinner and Martin van Gelderen

Freedom and the Construction of Europe
Volume 1. Religious Freedom and Civil Liberty
Volume 2. Free Persons and Free States
Edited by Quentin Skinner 
and Martin van Gelderen
Cambridge University Press

Présentation de l'éditeur
Freedom, today perceived simply as a human right, was a continually contested idea in the early modern period. In Freedom and the Construction of Europe an international group of scholars explore the richness, diversity and complexity of thinking about freedom in the shaping of modernity. Volume 1 examines debates about religious and constitutional liberties, as well as exploring the tensions between free will and divine omnipotence across a continent of proliferating religious denominations. Volume 2 considers free persons and free states, examining differing views about freedom of thought and action and their relations to conceptions of citizenship. Debates about freedom have been fundamental to the construction of modern Europe, but represent a part of our intellectual heritage that is rarely examined in depth. These volumes provide materials for thinking in fresh ways not merely about the concept of freedom, but how it has come to be understood in our own time.

Quentin Skinner, Queen Mary, University of London
Quentin Skinner is Barber Beaumont Professor of the Humanities, Department of History, Queen Mary, University of London.
Martin van Gelderen, European University Institute, Florence
Martin van Gelderen held the Chair of European Intellectual History at the European University from 2003 until 2012 and is now Director of the Lichtenberg Kolleg, Göttingen Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences.

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