« Je pense que les peuples ont pris conscience du fait qu’ils avaient des intérêts communs et qu’il y avait des intérêts planétaires qui sont liés à l’existence de la terre, des intérêts que l’on pourrait appeler cosmologiques, dans la mesure où ils concernent le monde dans son ensemble ».
Pierre Bourdieu (1992)

mercredi 18 juin 2014

Re-Thinking Economics: Exploring the Work of Pierre Bourdieu

Re-Thinking Economics
Exploring the Work of Pierre Bourdieu
Edited by Asimina Christoforou, Michael Lainé

Présentation de l'éditeur
Once again, unfettered capitalism has failed. Promises for global prosperity and peace have given way to a world of deep recession, social upheaval and political instability. Once again, mainstream economics has proved its inadequacy. Despite its technical rigour and mathematical virtuosity, it failed dramatically to respond to the current crisis. Why is this so? Mainstream economics turns a blind eye to society. By assumption, it maims its analyses by wiping away what makes us what we are. There is pressing need for a critical discussion and new ideas.
We therefore turn to the insightful and stimulating work of Pierre Bourdieu. Arguably one of the major sociologists ever, he was also a major ‘economist’. Yet his works on the economy have received only scant attention, especially from economists, be they ‘mainstream’ or ‘heterodox’. Bourdieu helps to take a broader view and enrich our scientific imagination. By including dimensions of power, intuitive behaviour and social structures within the scope of his analysis, he provides for an alternative foundation of economics, based on an integrated, interdisciplinary theory. For the first time, this volume fills this gap in economics by featuring state-of-the-art research and experts from different social science disciplines. This book constitutes a first step, and hopes to become a milestone.
The book offers an innovative outlook and a unique source for social scientists of all fields, particularly economists and sociologists, who wish to engage in the study of Bourdieu and his economics with a view to developing a more pertinent theory. It will also constitute a useful reference for university students and administrators who would like to explore the economy from a Bourdieusian perspective.
PART I: Introduction
Chapter 1: Re-Thinking Economics: Why Pierre Bourdieu? Asimina Christoforou and Michaël Lainé
PART II: Who is Pierre Bourdieu?
Chapter 2: Biography – Key Concepts, Gabriella Paolucci
Chapter 3: Writings on Economics and the Economy, Frédéric Lebaron
PART III: Roots and Fruits of Bourdieu’s Economic Analysis
Chapter 4: The Symbolic Basis of Economic Life, Frédéric Lebaron
Chapter 5: The State and Economics: A Bourdieusian Critique, Gabriella Paolucci
Chapter 6: Animal Spirits and Habitus: Towards a Convergence between Keynes and Bourdieu? Michaël Lainé
Chapter 7: Bourdieu and the Marxist Economy: Bourdieu’s Outlook on Marx and his Conception of the Economic Sphere, Eric Gilles
Chapter 8: Change and not only Reproduction: Pierre Bourdieu’s Economic Anthropology and Regulation Theory, Robert Boyer, translated by Michaël Lainé
PART IV: Capitals and Institutions
Chapter 9: Capital Conversion in Post-modern Economies, Michael Grenfell
Chapter 10: Revisiting Field Theory: On Taking Bourdieu to Envisioned Futures, Doris Hanappi
Chapter 11: The Effects of Social Capital on Economic and Symbolic Profits: An Analysis of the Field and Networks of Restaurant Owners, Fabien Eloire
Chapter 12: Toward an Alternative Framework for Social Capital as Social Change: Reflections on Bourdieu’s Approach, Asimina Christoforou
PART V: Politics and Policies: How to Transform the World
Chapter 13: The Sociology of Domination: Critical Perspectives, Franck Poupeau
PART VI: In the words of Pierre Bourdieu…
Chapter 14: The Future of Class and the Causality of the Probable, Pierre Bourdieu, translated by Michael Grenfell
PART VII: Conclusions
Chapter 15: Some Answers, More Questions – A Final Note from the Editors

Asimina Christoforou is Adjunct Professor, the Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece.
Michael Lainé is a PhD student in Economics, Bordeaux 4 University, France.

(merci à Gabriella Paolucci pour l'info)

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